食之藝 阿里哥【Food Art SOUPERMUM ALIGO】改善痛風,強化骨骼,養精補氣和補腎保健,增進男性所需荷爾蒙睪酮的產量

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Food Art 食之藝【速寶媽之阿里哥】 此湯成分中的東革阿里、巴戟天和杜伸,能幫助調節內分泌,養精補氣和補腎。經常飲用可以提升體力,減輕疲勞及腰酸背痛和改善痛風。 👍🏻強腰補腎 👍🏻提神補氣 👍🏻改善通風 👍🏻強化骨骼 材料: 蜜棗、黑豆*、黑棗、純素調味、玉竹、淮山、黨參、杜仲、桂圓、枸杞、巴戟天*和東革阿里*。 -東革阿里:補氣養血,強筋骨健體。 -巴戟天:補腎壯陽,驅風除濕。 -黑豆:健脾利水,潤肺滋陰。 飲食建議: ✅適於18歲以上者飲用 ✅建議一星期喝2-3次,一次一小袋 ❌經期, 生病感冒中, 酒後,痛風發作時, 豆類過敏人群,高血壓, 孕婦,哺乳媽媽不宜飲用❌ ⛔️特別人群、癌症、等請先諮詢醫生後再飲用⛔️ 特點 👍🏻簡單免煮 👍🏻天然原味 👍🏻無添加糖 👍🏻無硫磺 👍🏻無味精 👍🏻無人造色素 👍🏻味道甘甜 ⭐️JustKidding 是馬來西亞 Wonderliv Sdn Bhd (Food Art Store) 產品在香港的授權分銷商。⭐️ WhatsApp/pm我們: https://bit.ly/2T8VRPC (852)90222-319 兩種包裝: 🅰️細包裝:16克 x 6包 🅱️珍寶裝:16克 x 26包 常見問題: 1. 男生要喝多久才可以見效? 所用的材料都是溫和性,是屬於保健,滋補滋潤型的。 2. 可以連續喝嗎? 這要看個人體質,可以先試試每隔一天喝。就算是好的也不能超量哦,適量就好。 3. 喝多了會熱嗎? 這個配方是溫和不燥的,不會熱。 4. 喝了可以喝咖啡嗎? 最好不要。 5. 女性可以喝嗎? 配方里含有多種元素可以抗癌,抗氧化,抗風濕等等。這方面的功效對男女都適合 6. 會難喝嗎? 不會,味道甘甜。我們選用了頂級的紅色東革阿里, 絲毫沒有東革阿里一般苦澀的味道。再加入了蜜棗,黑棗,黑豆,玉竹和喜馬拉雅鹽的獨特調配後,讓速寶媽《阿里哥》那入口甘甜的味道,既養生又滋味。 儲存方式: 新鮮包裝, 食材是無硫磺,所以需冷藏保存。 產品保質期: 10個月 。請參閱包裝背面以瞭解確切的有效期。 溫馨提示: 速寶媽是以全天然的食材配 制,新鮮包裝。其中某些材料如蜜棗圓、桂圓、紅棗、枸杞、黑棗, 熟地、海竹等偶爾會因為水分含量較高 ,而導致湯袋少許潮濕。 這都是正常的現象。請安心飲用。 **聲明:效果因人而異。 SOUPERMUM ALIGO Containing Tongkat Ali, Morinda and Eucommia Bark. It helps improve sleep quality by regulating endocrine secretion, replenishing the Qi and nourishing the kidneys. Regular drinking can improve physical strength, reduce fatigue and backache, curing gout and increase the production of testosterone needed by men. FEATURES 👍🏻Convenient & no-cook 👍🏻100% Natural 👍🏻No Added Sugar 👍🏻Sulfur-Free Ingredients 👍🏻No MSG 👍🏻No Artificial Flavouring 👍🏻No Artificial Colouring 👍🏻Suitable for Vegetarian 👍🏻Sweet taste EFFECTS ✅Improves physical performance and vitality, reduces fatigue ✅Strengthens the bones, reduces lower back pain ✅Nourishes the kidney and replenishes Qi, helps to improve sleep quality ✅Increase the production of testosterone, the primary male sex hormone ✅Effectively in treating gout problem ✅Reduce uric acid ✅Anti-bacteria, anti-ulcer, relieves body heat RECOMMENDED ❌Not suitable for pregnant women, the sick and during menstruation❌ ❌Not suitable for age 18 and below❌ ❌Do not drink after drinking alcohol❌ 🔹Suggest to drink 2 - 3 times a week Ingredients: Candied Dates, Black Bean, Black Date, Yu Zhu, Chinese Yam, Codonopsis, Eucommia Bark, Dried Longan, Goji, Morinda, Tongkat Ali, Himalayan Rock Salt and Natural Seasoning. 2 Sizes: 🅰️Small Pack:16g x 6 bags 🅱️Jumbo Pack:16g x 26 bags Storage Instruction: Freshly packed with sulfur-free ingredients. Please keep refrigerated. Product Shelf Life: Approximately 10 months. Refer to the back of the packaging for the exact expiry date. Reminder: SOUPERMUM is made of all-natural ingredients and freshly packaged, such as fresh candied dates, dried longan, red dates, goji, black dates, rehmannia. The soup bag would get slightly damp occasionally due to its high moisture content. It’s normal and please consume at ease. **Disclaimer: Individual result may vary.
