食之藝 袪濕補 【 Food Art Soupermom Dampleesy 】 祛濕健脾胃、補氣養腎、利水消腫、解毒排膿

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食之藝 袪濕補 【 Food Art Soupermom Dampleesy 】 【祛濕補】祛濕健脾胃,補氣養腎,利水消腫,將體內多餘的水份排出身體外,提高身體水液代謝,讓身體恢復活力。 產品描述: ✅️去濕健脾胃 ✅️補氣養腎 ✅利水消腫 ✅解毒排膿 > 何謂濕氣重❓ 「濕氣」是中醫概念,與我們身體內的水液代謝、脾胃、氣血等有關。 一般來說,人體的水液代謝會正常運作,將體內多餘的水份排出。但如果體內水份過多,或 者脾胃等器官功能受損而無法完全代謝水液,則會轉化為「濕」、「痰」等,使人感到不適,並 引發各種症狀和疾病。這就是人們常說的「濕氣」 > 如何判斷自己濕氣重❓ 身體覺得沈重疲勞, 平時比較怕冷,口淡,腹肚,大便稀爛,頭痛而重、身重而 痛。 材料 薏仁*,赤小豆*,陳皮,泡參,炒扁豆,純素調味, 芡實,蘆根,淮山*, 通草,茯苓,蓮子。 🔹 淮山:健脾益肺,滋補腎氣。 🔹赤小豆,薏仁,通草:有利水消腫 🔹炒扁豆,芡實,蓮子,陳皮:補腎健脾胃,行氣化內部濕氣、解毒消水腫從而達到美容養顏的 效果。 🔹蘆根,泡參,茯苓,淮山:去濕不傷陰,補氣祛濕,補脾養腎,從而達到陰陽平衡,美容養顏。 飲食建議: ✅適合7歲及以上飲用 ✅建議每天飲用一次,一次一小袋 ✅適合游泳的小朋友 ❌夜晚不宜飲用 ❌孕婦不宜飲用 感冒發燒,口乾舌燥不宜飲用 ❌特別人群、癌症、等請先咨詢醫生後再飲用 ❌不適合:夜晚喝,7歲以下,感冒發燒,口乾舌燥,孕婦。 適合人群: - 身體容易疲倦,精神差(尤其是晨起精神差,愛賴床) - 口臭,虛汗,體臭 - 臉部容易長有膿的青春痘、粉刺、油膩,皮膚容易起濕疹、癬、水泡 - 頭重伴隨肚子容易漲,食慾差,胃酸倒流,大便黏膩/腹瀉 - 小便灼熱感 伴隨小便疼痛; 夜尿多 - 身體水腫(尤其是月經前容易水腫),尿酸高 - 鼻子敏感,鼻竇炎,婦女白帶多,陰部潮濕伴隨瘙癢, 腰酸沈重宮寒 - 經常抽煙喝酒 - 喝冷飲 - 經常吹空調 - 運動少 常見問題 Q1: 不適合七歲以下的原因是什麼❓ A1: 因為7歲以下孩子通常濕氣不會很重,如果給他們喝這個怕會影響到他們津液受損就會變得口乾舌燥,津液可以想象為滋潤我們身體的液體,是機體一切正常水液的總稱,包括各臟腑形體官竅的內在液體及其正常的分泌物。游泳的小朋友可以喝。 Q2:為什麼不適合晚上飲用❓一定要早/午餐喝的原因是什麼❓ A2:此湯品一般不宜在晚間飲用,因為晚間身體的代謝較為緩慢,飲用後可能會影響身體 水液的代謝和排出,進而影響睡眠質量。因此,更適合在早或午餐時飲用,以確保湯品營養 更有效吸收和身體水液平衡的維持。 Q3:對於哺乳、有三高(高血壓、高血脂、高血糖)、以及G6PD(葡萄糖-6-磷酸脫氫酶)患者可以飲用嗎❓ A3:是可以飲用的。 若出現任何不同尋常的反應或不適,建議及時就醫並咨詢醫生的專業意見。 Q4: 為什麼袪濕補適合游泳小朋友❓ A4: 游泳一般不會導致濕氣加重。主要是因為游泳後如果不注意保暖,長時間身體受涼,則可能會導致體內的濕氣加重,可能會出現全身乏力、大便稀溏等症狀。 特點: 🌱簡單免煮 🌱天然原味 🌱無添加糖 🌱無防腐劑 🌱無人工調味劑 🌱適合素食者 淨重 細包裝:17克 X 6包 珍寶裝: 17克 X 26包 使用方法: 將免煮湯包放入保溫瓶, 加入250-300毫升的沸水, 靜待 2小時。搖勻, 趁熱飲用。 **我們建議使用FOODART®316不鏽鋼保溫瓶。因為這能保證食材的精華能夠一滴不漏的 深進湯水里。讓各位能夠喝到最天然滋味的免煮湯。 **額外資料 儲藏說明:開封後建議冷藏或置陰涼乾燥處。 產品保質期:請參閱包裝背面瞭解確切的有效期。 溫馨提示: 食之藝的湯飲採用全天然原料製成,新鮮包裝,如新鮮蜜棗、龍眼乾、紅棗、枸 杞、黑棗、熟地。由於水分含量高,湯包偶爾會略微受潮。屬於正常現象,請放心食用。 **免責聲明:個別結果可能會有所不同。 DAMPLEESY Made for eliminating excess body dampness and reducing swelling by strengthening the spleen, kidneys, and stomach. It also helps replenish qi, and improve the metabolism of body fluids, allowing the body to self-regulate and regain vitality! Excessive Dampness? In traditional Chinese medicine, 'dampness' refers to an accumulation of excess body fluid due to impaired organ function, leading to discomfort and illness. It arises when organs such as the spleen and stomach are unable to fully process fluids, resulting in symptoms and diseases commonly associated with excessive dampness. Signs of Dampness? Signs of excess dampness include feeling colder than usual, preferring hot drinks, having a bland taste in the mouth, bloating, loose stools, and experiencing headaches and body aches. INGREDIENTS Chinese Pearl Barley*, Ricebean*, Dried Tangerine Peel, American Ginseng Head, Fried Hyacinth Bean, Vege Seasoning, Gordon Euryale Seed, Rhizoma Phragmitis, Chinese Yam*, Tetrapanax Papyrifer, Poria Cocos, Lotus Seeds. - Chinese Yam* (Huaishan): Strengthening the spleen & stomach and nourishing the lungs & kidneys. - Ricebean*, Chinese Pearl Barley*, and Tetrapanax Papyrifer: aid in reducing swelling. - Fried Hyacinth bean, Gordon Euryale Seeds, Lotus Seeds, Dried Tangerine peel: effective in strengthening the kidneys, spleen & stomach, promoting the flow of Qi, and body detoxification, beautifying and nourishing the skin. - Lu Gen, American Ginseng Head, China Roots, and Chinese Yam*: achieve a balance between Yin and Yang by eliminating dampness and replenishing Qi. RECOMMENDED Suitable for age 7 and above. Highly recommended for children that enjoy swimming regularly Suggested consuming every day, one sachet at a time. Suitable for consumption during rainy weather Not suitable for evening consumption Not suitable for pregnant women Not suitable for those with cold or fever, dry mouth and tongue. Those with special conditions and cancer shall consult a doctor beforehand. Suitable for individuals experiencing:- - Frequent fatigue and low energy levels, especially in the morning, with a tendency to oversleep. - Bad breath. - Excessive sweating, body odour. - Recurring acne, blackheads, oily skin, eczema, fungal infections, or blisters. - Heaviness in the head accompanied by bloating, poor appetite. - Acid reflux. - Sticky or loose stools. - Burning sensation during urination with urinary discomfort; nocturia. - Body swelling, especially before menstruation. - High uric acid levels. - Excessive vaginal discharge in women; itching and moisture in the genital area. - Lower back pain with coldness in the uterus. - Habitual smoking and alcohol consumption. - Frequent intake of cold beverages. - Prolonged exposure to air conditioning. - Lack of physical activity. Individuals with special conditions and cancer shall consult a doctor beforehand. FAQ 1. Why is DAMPLEESY not suitable for children under seven? Children under seven typically do not experience significant issues with dampness in their bodies. Consuming this product might impact their bodily fluids, potentially leading to dryness in the mouth. Bodily fluids can be regarded as the essential liquids that moisturize our bodies, encompassing all the normal water content and liquids within the body, including the internal fluids of all organs and tissues, as well as their normal secretions. 2. Why is DAMPLEESY not suitable for consumption at night? This product is generally not recommended for evening consumption because the body's metabolism slows down at night. Drinking it during this time may affect the body's fluid metabolism and excretion, potentially disrupting sleep quality. Therefore, it is more suitable for consumption during breakfast or lunch to ensure optimal nutrient absorption and maintain fluid balance within the body. 3. Can breastfeeding mothers, individuals with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, or G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency consume this product? Yes, they can consume this product. If any unusual reactions or discomfort occur, it is advisable to seek medical advice and consult a healthcare professional for guidance. FEATURES Convenient & No-Cook All-Natural Ingredients No Added Sugar No Preservatives No Artificial Flavouring No Artificial Colouring Suitable for Vegetarian NET WEIGHT Small Pack:17g x 6 sachets Jumbo Pack: 17g x 26 sachets HOW TO USE Put one bag into soup flask. Add in 250-300ml boiling water and wait for 2 hours. Shake well and serve hot. **Extra Info: Storage Instruction: Recommended to refrigerate or keep in a cool dry place after opening. Product Shelf Life: Approximately 16 months. Refer to the back of the packaging for the exact expiry date. Reminder: This is made of all-natural ingredients and freshly packaged, such as fresh candied dates, dried longan, red dates, goji, black dates, rehmannia. The soup bag would get slightly damp occasionally due to its high moisture content. It’s normal and please consume at ease. **Disclaimer: Individual result may vary.



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