【升級版】Food Art®食之藝 316不鏽鋼保溫瓶 【Upgraded】FOOD ART® 316 Stainless Steel Thermos




【升級版】Food Art®食之藝 316不鏽鋼保溫瓶 超級推薦❣️ 食之藝發現品質及保溫效果比較差的保溫壺所泡出來的湯的味道會有所不同。 所以經過我們多次的嘗試後,終於為各位帶來了【升級版】FOODART®316不鏽鋼保溫瓶❣️❣️ 這絕對是速寶媽及速寶兒免煮湯袋的完美搭配!保證食材的精華能夠一滴不漏的深進湯水里。讓各位能夠喝到最天然滋味的速寶媽及速寶兒。 材質: 316不鏽鋼 嚴實密封,安全防漏水 隔熱性能: 6hrs -12 hrs 9個選擇: 1️⃣ 米色 320ml 2️⃣ 綠色 320ml 3️⃣ 米色 360ml 4️⃣ 黑色 360ml 5️⃣ 粉紅色 360ml 6️⃣ 粉紅色 380ml 7️⃣ 灰色 380ml 8️⃣ 綠色 380ml 9️⃣ 粉紫色 450ml 316不鏽鋼和304不鏽鋼有什麼分別呢? 316不鏽鋼是在基礎上做了進一步的升級。那就是控制雜質比例及加入鉬。 這使耐腐蝕能力更強,除了油鹽醬醋茶以外,各種強酸強鹼,它都可以抵擋。 316不鏽鋼對環境的適應性更好,溫度過高或過低,都不影響316不鏽鋼的耐腐蝕能力。 316不鏽鋼更能耐高溫,多次高溫沸煮也不會產生異味。 Officially recommended by Food Art! Food Art found that the taste of the soup will be different if it is prepared by using poor quality of thermos. Therefore, after many of trial and error done by Food Art, we are finally brought you the【Upgraded】FOOD ART® 316 Stainless Steel Thermos! This is definitely the perfect match for Soupermum and Souperkid Instant Herbal Soup Bag! This upgraded thermos ensure that the essence of the ingredients can be blend into the soup well. So that you can drink the most natural and tastier of Soupermum and Souperkid Soup. Most importantly is it is Eco-Friendly! Material: 316 Stainless Steel Leak-proof Thermal Insulation Performance: 6hrs -12 hrs 9 Options: 1️⃣ Cream 320ml 2️⃣ Pink 360ml 3️⃣ Cream 360ml 4️⃣ Black 360ml 5️⃣ Green 380ml 6️⃣ Pink 380ml 7️⃣ Grey 380ml 8️⃣ Purple 450ml What is the difference between 316 stainless steel and 304 stainless steel? 316 stainless steel is further upgraded on the basis of controlling the proportion of impurities and adding molybdenum. This makes 316 more resistant to corrosion. In addition to oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, it can resist all kinds of strong acids and alkalis. Besides, 316 stainless steel is more adaptable to the environment, either the temperature is too high or too low, it does not affect the corrosion resistance of 316 stainless steel. 316 stainless steel is more resistant to high temperature, and will not produce any other odour.
