食之藝 砂胡椒 【 Food Art Soupermum Pepperwarm 】 幫助消化, 增加食慾及消炎解毒。對於脾胃虛寒, 四肢不溫, 形寒怕冷及容易疲累的人非常有效。

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Food Art 食之藝 【速寶媽之砂胡椒】 採用了砂拉越胡椒研配搭藥材研制而成的健脾暖湯飲, 味道特別香辣開胃。可以幫助消化, 增加食慾及消炎解毒。對於脾胃虛寒, 四肢不溫, 形寒怕冷及容易疲累的人非常有效。 功效 - 緩解腹脹 - 溫肺化痰 - 健脾暖胃 - 溫中散寒 特點 - 簡單免煮 - 天然原味 - 無添加糖 - 無防腐劑 - 無人工調味劑 - 適合素食者 材料: 茯苓、玉竹、紅棗 、砂拉越白胡椒、 黨參、枸杞、淮山 、桂圓、純素調味、川芎 飲食建議 - 適合7歲及以上飲用 - 建議每天飲用一次,一次一小袋。 ❌高血壓, 孕婦不宜飲用❌ ⛔️特殊情況者、癌症、等請先諮詢醫生後再飲用⛔️ SOUPERMUM PEPPERWARM Specially made from the Sarawak Pepper and a combination of medicinal herbs. It not only helps improve digestion and appetite, but also helps reduce inflammation, nourish the spleen and keeps the body warm. This soup is especially good for people who suffer from physical tiredness and serious cold. FEATURES - Convenient & no-cook - 100% Natural Ingredients - No Added Sugar - No Preservatives - No Artificial Flavouring - No Artificial Colouring - Suitable for Vegetarian RECOMMENDED - Suitable for age 7 and above. - Suggested consuming every day, one sachet at a time. ❌Not suitable for pregnant women and people with high blood pressure.❌ ⛔️Those with special conditions and cancer shall consult a doctor beforehand.⛔️

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