食之藝 坐月60天【Food Art ❤️60 Young❤️】素食滋補湯膳【Confinement 60 Young】- ⭐️請一個月前預訂 1-month Pre-Order⭐️(運費另加$850)



⭐️請在一個月前預訂 1-month Pre-Order⭐️ (運費另加$850) 影片: https://youtu.be/Hat8NXJg680 https://youtu.be/JP5fB6qzUQU 準備方法: https://youtu.be/7TheYzxMbZw Q: 產後滋補需要60天? A: 是的,這是因為產後媽媽子宮收縮其實需要6個星期時間,然後子宮壁的恢復則需要6到8個星期。再加上女人在懷孕期間,母體為了要承擔新生命的來臨,在全身內分泌、免疫系統以及身體各個部位組織都會大幅度的改變,加上生產過程中的失血等,產婦須在產後4至8個星期,透過充分的休息調養而逐漸恢復媽媽們生產時大量損耗的氣血、恢復元氣、平衡陰陽。 Q: 但為什麼一般人的產後滋補只注重在首30天而忽略了次30天呢? A: 主要的原因: 🔸第一個月有陪月無微不至的照料,但第二個月沒有了陪月,在飲食方面突然變得很隨便了。 🔸開始忙於親自照顧寶寶而無暇在自己的飲食上多加照料。 🔸開始著急於體型的恢復而不敢吃得太滋補,怕過後很難瘦得回去。 🔸嫌準備滋補湯飲太麻煩及太花時間了。 Food Art 食之藝 精心配制的【坐月60Young】素食滋補湯膳系列,包含了首30天的精選烹煮調理膳湯配方及次30天免煮滋補湯飲,強調先祛瘀、中調理、後進補循序漸進的方式,以天然無硫磺的食材,濃郁的口味,根據坐月的以下4個階段,為產後媽媽提供全套60天的滋補,讓產後的調養及體態的恢復達到更高的效益。 第一周: 休養期 產後第一周為傷口的恢復期, 也就是休養期。 媽媽們經歷了大量失血和生育,這時身體和脾胃最虛弱,無論是自然產或是剖腹產,建議採取養生輕食, 所以飲食需以清淡易消化為原則,不宜大補特補,主要的是幫助產婦清除惡露、補血,收縮子宮及恢復脾胃功能。 第二周至第三周 : 溫補期 此階段要注重產婦體力的恢復. 約產後的第8至22天。建議溫和進補,食材不能過燥。如果是剖腹生產,需要較長的休養期才能進入溫補期。產後媽媽的脾胃這時開始適應,可以循序漸進開始清補、補益氣血、滋養肝腎,並增加乳汁分泌。常見的藥材有黃芪、黨參、首烏等。 第四周 : 大補期 第三階段主要是調節免疫力,約產後第23天至30天。這時產婦的身體機能應大致復原,身體狀況也逐漸穩定, 惡露也大致排清,可以搭配燉湯、藥膳等循序漸進加強進補,恢復體力、養血補氣。此時可用人參、高麗參進補, 穩固媽媽日後強健的身體基礎進而恢復生產時流失的大量元氣。 第五周至第八周: 保養期 生產第30天之後入也意味著進入坐月子的第二個月的保養期。雖然,此時新手媽媽的身體氣血功能已逐漸恢復,開始回到正常作息, 但在飲食藥膳方面依然不容忽視. 此時可從強筋骨、補肝腎及安神補氣著手,以減輕產後出現腰酸背痛或脫發等問題。對於堅持餵母乳的媽媽, 除了足夠的湯水外,媽媽還需要注意對卡路里,各類維生素和礦物質的補充。 首30天精心調配的滋補湯膳,材料十足,足夠您每天三餐的份量: 1. 生化湯 2. 生化湯 3. 參芪補氣湯 4. 四棗調氣湯 5. 補神養血湯 6. 田七行血湯 7. 調經暖宮湯 8. 養血補肝湯 9. 活力補腎湯 10. 強筋補腰湯 11. 當歸補血湯 12. 活血通絡湯 13. 靈芝養身湯 14. 十全大補湯 15. 八仲益血湯 16. 人參益氣湯 17. 首烏強髒湯 18. 當歸頭活血湯 19. 補中益氣湯 20. 人參蟲草湯 21. 蓯蓉滋陰湯 22. 靈芝寧神湯 23. 人參加味湯 24. 補血湯 25. 參棗健脾湯 26. 牛漆舒筋湯 27. 高麗參湯 28. 補血麗參湯 29. 養顏四物湯 30. 健胃四神湯 次30天有我們特別為您配制的【限量版】坐月免煮調補湯飲(無添加鹽): 靚媽湯 - 排毒養顏,補血養生 催奶湯 - 催奶補氣,活血通乳 姜黃湯 - 收縮子宮,護肝暖宮 昆布湯 - 增強免疫,利水退腫 清心湯 - 清心安神,潤腸助眠 隨購買【坐月60Young】,將附送以下一系列精美禮品: ❤️造型摩登美觀耐用手提袋(大容量的收納空間,兩款顏色供選擇) ❤️高品質316不鏽鋼保溫瓶(兩款色系供選擇) ❤️月婦防風護頭月子帽,護您產後頭不疼 懷孕只要懂得把握坐月子,就是改變體質的好機會,採用正確的坐月子方法,就有機會讓女人越生越健康,越生越美麗。相反的,產婦若是沒將月子坐好,就有可能生了一胎老了十歲,很大機會面對體型走樣、骨質疏鬆、鈣質流失的問題,甚至會提早更年期,不可不慎! 食之藝精心配制的【坐月60Young】滋補湯飲系列,讓您在產後的兩個月內輕鬆調養,迅速恢復昔日魅力並以最佳的狀態,開心享受新手育兒的樂趣。 有了【坐月60Young】 60天的呵護,讓你產後依然很Young ❣️ ⭐️溫馨提醒:為了提供您最新鮮的食材,請於至少一個月前預訂此配套哦❣️⭐️ Q: Postpartum confinement generally takes 30 days but why do we emphasize 60 days of confinement? A: This is because the mother’s uterus contraction can take up to 6 weeks to complete after the delivery and it will be another 6 to 8 weeks for the uterus to fully recover. Furthermore, mothers will undergo changes in body tissues, endocrine and immune systems during pregnancy, coupled with postpartum bleeding while giving birth. So, they need to get adequate rest and recuperation 4 to 8 weeks after delivery to restore the blood loss and vitality while balancing Yin and Yang. Q: However, why do many mothers typically focus on the first 30 days postpartum nourishment and overlook the following 30 days? A: The main reasons are: 🔸The leaving of the confinement lady after the first month 🔸Paying more attention to childcare than a personal recovery diet 🔸The fear of gaining weight after taking too many supplements 🔸The preparation of tonic soup is troublesome and time-consuming Therefore, the【Confinement 60 Young】tonic vegetarian soup series from Food Art includes 30 bags of specially selected cooking soup recipe & 30 bags of no-cook Sourpermama for postpartum confinement. 【Confinement 60 Young】 contains all-natural and sulfur-free ingredients. It emphasises the removal of blood stasis at first, internal conditioning and then progressive body supplementation after delivery. New mothers can enjoy the tonic soup for 60 days in their daily meals to nourish the body and bounce back to optimum health. Week 1: Recuperation Period Week 2 to 3: Warm Care Period Week 4: Supplement Period Week 5 to Week 8: Maintenance Period The first 30 days specially selected cooking soups: 1. Sheng Hua Soup 2. Sheng Hua Soup 3. Sheng Qi Tonic Soup 4. Four Jujube Soup 5. Vitality Tonic Soup 6. Tian Qi herbal Soup 7. Womb Warming Soup 8. Liver Nourishing Soup 9. Kidney-Tonifying Soup 10. Lumbus-Strengthening Soup 11. Dang Gui Tonic Soup 12. Blood circulating Soup 13. Ling Zhi Tonic Soup 14. Perfect 10 Tonic Soup 15. Blood Nourishing Soup 16. Ginseng Tonic Soup 17. Shou Wu Tonic Soup 18. Dang Gui tou Tonic Soup 19. Revitalizing Tonic Soup 20. Ginseng Herbal Soup 21. Cistanche Herbal Soup 22. Lingzhi Soothing Soup 23. Ginseng Plus Tonic Soup 24. Morinda Root Tonic Soup 25. Digestion Support Soup 26. Fleximuscle Tonic Soup 27. Asian Ginseng Tonic Soup 28. Lung Nourishing Soup 29. Beautifying Herbal Sou 30. Chinese Yam Appetizing Soup Following 30 days no-cook series (No Added Salt): Soupermama 1 - Detoxify and beautify, Blood nourishing Soupermama 2 - Promoting lactation, tonifying Qi, activating blood flow Soupermama 3 - Uterine Contractions, Nourishing the liver Soupermama 4 - Boosting immunity, Promote the circulation of water Soupermama 5 - Calming the mind, Improve sleeping quality FREE exclusive gifts with purchase of Confinement【60】Young ❤️ONE Modern & Beautiful Tote Bag (2 colours available) ❤️ONE High-quality 316 Stainless Steel Thermos Bottle (2 colours available) ❤️ONE Windproof Confinement Cap for mothers (Protect and prevent you from headache) 【Confinement 60 Young】tonic soup series, making it easy for you to recover well in the two months after delivery. We are here to bring your charm back and let you enjoy the joy of happy parenting at your best. *Gentle Reminder: Be sure to order this package at least 1 month in advance so that we can deliver the freshest of everything to you.*

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