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食之藝 FOOD ART 免煮湯包
JHc 日本🇯🇵健康研究所
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食之藝 坐月30天【Food Art ❤️ 30 Young ❤️】 免煮滋補湯飲特別為坐月的女仕而設【 Confinement 30 Young】- ⭐️請一個月前預訂 1-month Pre-Order⭐️
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Food Art 食之藝【坐月30 Young - 次30天Confinement 30 Young Soupermama】 免煮滋補湯飲特別為坐月的女仕而設 ⭐️ 請一個月前預訂 1-month Pre-Order⭐️ 影片: 產後滋補需要60天❓ 是的,這是因為產後媽媽子宮收縮其實需要6個星期的時間,然後子宮壁的恢復則需要6到8個星期。再加上女人在懷孕期間,母體為了要承擔新生命的來臨,全身內分泌、免疫系統以及身體各個部位組織都會有大幅度的改變,加上生產過程中的失血等,產婦須在產後4至8週,透過充分的休息調養而逐漸恢復媽媽們生產時大量損耗的氣血,恢復元氣、平衡陰陽。 但為什麼一般人的產後滋補只注重在首30天而忽略了次30天呢❓ 主要的原因: 🔹第一個月有陪月無微不至的照料,但第二個月沒有了陪月,在飲食方面突然變得很隨便了。 🔹開始忙於親自照顧寶寶而無暇在自己的飲食上多加照料, 🔹開始著急於體型的恢復而不敢吃得太滋補,怕過後很難瘦得回去。 🔹嫌準備滋補湯飲太麻煩及太花時間了。 WhatsApp/pm我們: 📞 (852) 90222-319 食之藝精心配制的【坐月30 Young】素食滋補湯膳套裝,是【次30天免煮滋補湯飲】,強調先祛瘀、中調理、後進補循序漸進的方式,以天然無硫磺的食材,濃郁的口味,根據坐月的以下4個階段即休養期,溫補期,大補期和保養期,讓產後的調養及體態的恢復達到更高的效益。👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 【次30天】限量配制的免煮滋補湯飲更是【簡單】,【方便】,【天然蔬食】,【無添加鹽】。針對滿月後媽媽身體的恢復而調配,每天兩杯,靚麗養生💃🏻 💠靚媽湯- 排毒養顏,補血養生 x 2 套(共12小袋) 💠催奶湯- 催奶補氣,活血通乳 x 2 套(共12小袋) 💠姜黃湯- 收縮子宮,護肝暖宮 x 2 套(共12小袋) 💠昆布湯- 增強免疫,利水退腫 x 2 套(共12小袋) 💠清心湯- 清心安神,潤腸助眠 x 2 套(共12小袋) 包裝: 30天的分量,一共60袋。就是一天可以喝2袋。 🎁隨購買【坐月次30 Young】即附送 「高品質316 不鏽鋼保溫瓶(兩款色系供選擇) 」😍😍 坐月沒坐好,一胎老了十歲。懷孕只要採用正確的坐月子方法,調理好體質,就有機會讓女人越生越健康,越生越美麗。 做月滋補護理,我們更懂你。讓你產後依然很young ❣️ 材料: 💠催奶湯 :紅棗、王不留行籽、枸杞、路路通、黃芪、桂圓、當歸、甘草、通草、絲瓜路 💠姜黃湯 :平片、杜仲、炙甘草、黨參、川芎、枸杞、園棗、白芍、黃姜 💠昆布湯 :薏仁、黃芪、黨參、紅棗、玉竹、枸杞、昆布、海帶 💠靚媽湯 :沙參、玉竹、南杏、北杏、紅棗、陳皮、蟲草花、杞子、海底椰、茶樹菇、椰棗、當歸、孢子頭 💠清心湯 :棗仁、桂圓、杞子、淮山、芡實、茯神、麥冬、沙參、玉竹、遠志通、蓮子、椰棗、 柏子仁、百合 使用方法: 將免煮即飲速寶媽放入保溫瓶, 加入250-300毫升的沸水, 靜待1-2小時。搖勻, 趁熱飲用。 儲存方式: 開封後建議冷藏或置於陰涼處。 產品保質期: 10個月 。請參閱包裝背面以瞭解確切的有效期。 溫馨提示: 速寶媽是以全天然的食材配制,新鮮包裝。其中某些材料如蜜棗圓、桂圓、紅棗、枸杞、黑棗、熟地、海竹等偶爾會因為水分含量較高 ,而導致湯袋少許潮濕。 這都是正常的現象。請安心飲用。 ❤️溫馨提醒:為了提供您最新鮮的食材,請於至少一個月前預訂此配套哦❤️ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 📍 JustKidding WhatsApp Group有限定優惠 & 限定快閃產品!加入WhatsApp Group後,落單仲會送特別禮品 (記得在落單時出示證明啊)! 快啲入WhatsApp Group領取更多著數優惠啦😍 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 Is it necessary that postpartum nourishment takes up to 60 days❓ Yes. This is because the mother’s uterus contraction can take up to 6 weeks to complete after the delivery and it will be another 6 to 8 weeks for the uterus to fully recover. However, why do many mothers typically focus on the first 30 days postpartum nourishment and overlook the following 30 days❓ The main reasons are: 🔹The leaving of the confinement lady after the first month 🔹Paying more attention to childcare than a personal recovery diet 🔹The fear of gaining weight after taking too many supplements 🔹The preparation of tonic soup is troublesome and time-consuming The【Confinement 30 Young】tonic vegetarian soup series from Food Art includes 30 bags of specially selected cooking soup recipe & 30 bags of no-cook Sourpermama for postpartum confinement. The following 30 days no-cook series (no salt added) is Simple, Convenient, Natural. It is formulated for the recovery of mother's body after the full moon. Consume two cups a day and let the mummy stay beautiful and healthy The following 30 days no-cook series (no salt added): 💠Soupermama Detoxify and beautify, Blood nourishing x 2 set (12 soup bag) 💠Soupermama Promoting lactation, tonifying Qi, activating blood flow x 2 set (12 soup bag) 💠Soupermama Uterine Contractions, Nourishing the liver x 2 set (12 soup bag) 💠Soupermama Boosting immunity, Promote the circulation of water x 2 set (12 soup bag) 💠Soupermama Calming the mind, Improve sleeping quality x 2 set (12 soup bag) Packing: Total 60soups bags for 30 days. One day can drink 2 soup bags. 🎁FREE exclusive gifts 😍😍 ONE High-quality 316 Stainless Steel Thermos Bottle (2 colours available) We are here to bring your charm back and let you enjoy the joy of happy parenting at your best. ❤️❤️ How to Use: Put one bag into thermos. Add in 250-300ml boiling water and wait for 1-2 hours. Shake well and serve hot. **We recommend to use FOOD ART® 316 Stainless Steel Thermos. This ensure that the essence of the ingredients can be blend into the soup well. So that you can drink the most natural and tastier of Soupermum and Souperkid Soup. Storage Instruction: Recommended to refrigerate or keep in a cool dry place after opening. Product Shelf Life: Approximately 10 months. Refer to the back of the packaging for the exact expiry date. Reminder: SOUPERMUM is made of all-natural ingredients and freshly packaged, such as fresh candied dates, dried longan, red dates, goji, black dates, rehmannia. The soup bag would get slightly damp occasionally due to its high moisture content. It’s normal and please consume at ease. ❤️Gentle Reminder: Be sure to order this package 1 month in advance so that we can deliver the freshest of everything to you.❤️
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