新加坡 福華補品 好姑娘營養燕麥麩加強版 (無糖) Good Lady Dr. β-Glucan+ - 750g




好姑娘營養燕麥麩加強版 Good Lady Dr. β-Glucan+ - 750g 新的加強配方富含更多身體所需營養素,將優質燕麥的優點與維生素及礦物質相結合出更營養的健康飲品! 無論您想要一頓豐盛的早餐還是健康的飲品,這種加強的燕麥麩都能為您提供美味、營養、健康的新體驗。試試看這強化新配方營養燕麥麩的美好,補充您一天所需的營養❣️ Good Lady Dr. B-Glucan+ oat bran powder packed with essential nutrients, the enhanced formula combines the goodness of premium oats with a strategic blend of vitamins and minerals. Whether you're aiming for a hearty breakfast or a wholesome snack, this enhanced oat bran promises a deliciously nutritious experience that supports your overall health. Embrace the enhanced goodness and fuel your day with the nourishment it deserves! Good Lady Dr. β-Glucan+ uses a high quantity of top quality oat bran powder which contains 20% oat beta-glucan with wholegrains and various kinds of seeds. Good Lady Dr.β-Glucan+ is a wholegrain beverage with plenty of oat bran powder which provides quality oat beta-glucan. Oat beta-glucans have been shown to lower blood cholesterol. High blood cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease. Good Lady Dr.β-Glucan+ contains no preservatives and artificial colouring. It contains 28.5% of wholegrains and one serving of Good Lady Dr.β-Glucan will provide you with 14% of your daily wholegrain requirement. Weight: 750g #HockhuaTonic #Oatbetaglucans #naturalhealthtips #wellness #福華補品 #燕麥麩 #健康小貼士 #健康

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