JHc 日本🇯🇵健康研究所 High-Ten Brain Supplements 日本No.1腦力補充品 (1盒有15包) 🇯🇵Japan's No.1 Brain Power🆙Jelly🍌🍓🥛(15 bags/box) [到期日: 2025年2月]




JHc HIGH-TEN Brain Supplements(1盒有15包) 🇯🇵 日本No.1腦力補充品 首創無咖啡因的提神補充品 10種純天然成分 運動果凍腦科基金會推薦最有效護腦 您有無遇到下列情況?🤦🏻‍♀️ 1. 打開電腦卻突然忘記要做的工作?🤯 2. 閱讀速度變慢,或容易讀錯、看漏字眼?😵‍💫 3. 日間沒有精神工作,晚上又難以入睡?🥱😴😪 4. 每日使用電腦、電話多於4小時?💻🖥⌨️📞 5. 無法集中精神?🥱😮‍💨 香港是2020年名列「最過度勞累城市」*全球勞累人口最多地區*🤯🥱😴😮‍💨😵‍💫😖 除了合理的休息時間,您更需要針對大腦的營養補充‼️ HIGH-TEN✅✅✅ 🇯🇵日本No.1 腦力補充啫喱🍌🍓🫐🥛 🔆腦科基金會推薦最有效護腦補充品 🔆臨床實證提高大腦ESG、集中力、記憶力及加快反應時間16% 🆙💪🏻💪🏻 🔆首創無咖啡因的提神補充品,小朋友和長者也適合 🔆Zynamite、黧豆提取物等10種純天然成 🔆沒有一般能量飲品的副作用:頭痛、心悸、反應性低血糖 🔆新一代運動補充品 🔆獨特設計,攜帶輕便 🔆向不可能 say No! Coffee? ❌ Energy Drinks? ❌ 效果: ✅全面提升腦功能 ✅增強多巴胺分泌 ✅提升反應、記憶力及運算能力 飲食建議: 🔹每天1-3包,視乎腦疲倦度/活動需要 🔹運動、學習、應付壓力前30分鐘-1小時使用 🔹服用後讓人有腦袋更清晰的感覺 適合人士: ✔️上班一族 ✔️腦部正在發展的青少年及學生 ✔️運動愛好者 ✔️高壓力人士 主要成份: 1️⃣【黧豆提取物】 黧豆含有天然成分左旋多巴, 左旋多巴在大腦代謝產生「多巴胺」,「多巴胺」是腦內極其重要的神經傳遞物,又被稱作「快樂物質」🤗。 🔸有助提高集中力 🔸神經活力 🔸敏銳度 🔸改善情緒 🔸增加幸福感 ✨「多巴胺」亦有助提升運動員肌力及運動時的專注度💪🏻 2️⃣【芒果葉提取物】🥭 經過臨床實證能改進: 🔸注意力準確性 🔸情景記憶 🔸工作準確性及效率 🔸提高計算能力 🔸縮短反應時間 🔸抗疲勞抗壓力 🔸無異常心率或血壓 🔸沒有焦慮或副作用 ✨芒果葉能刺激腦部中福神經(CNS)加強傳遞,效果有如咖啡因,沒有咖啡因的副作用魚失眠、心悸、肌肉抽搐、利尿脫水等問題。 其他強化腦部機能成份: 3️⃣【香蜂草】增加記憶力 4️⃣【蔷薇红景天】恢復疲勞 5️⃣【胡椒提取物】提升細胞活力 6️⃣【乳酸菌生成物質】改善腸道健康 7️⃣【黑糖】提供腦部必須葡萄糖 8️⃣【大豆aGPC】增強認知能力 9️⃣【燕麥】協助釋放能量 🔟【椰子殼活性碳】吸走腸道毒素 🏆JustKidding 是日本JHc的香港認可分銷商,信心保證🏅 Q&A: Q1. HIGH-TEN 有沒有副作用? A1. HIGH-TEN 是純天然成分,不會造成副作用或產生依賴,因此也不設攝取量的限制。 Q2.什麼時候服用最好?晚上用會否影響睡眠? A2.建議在出現疲勞感或活動前30分鐘至1小時服用。睡眠前4小時使用有可能因中樞神經活躍而影響休息。 Q3.能否和其他含咖啡因的能量飲品同時服用? A3.可以。 Q4.什麼人士不適合使用HIGH-TEN? A4. 對大豆及其製品敏感人士不宜使用。 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ JHc HIGH-TEN Brain Fitness (15 packs/box) 🇯🇵Japan's No.1 Brain Power🆙Jelly🍌🍓 🥛 🏆JustKidding is JHc’s Approved Distributor in Hong Kong.🏅 Three flavors: 1) Banana 🍌 2) Mixed berries🍓 3) Yogurt🥛 Have you encountered any of the following situations? 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1. Turn on the computer but suddenly forget what you need to do? 🤯 2. Slow reading speed or misreading or missing words? 😵‍💫 3. Have no mental power to work during the day and have trouble falling asleep at night? 😴😪 4. Do you use computer or phone for more than 4 hours a day? 💻🖥⌨️📞 5. Can't concentrate? 😮‍💨 Hong Kong is the "Most Overworked City" in 2020 *The world's most overworked population*🤯 😴😮‍💨😵‍💫😖 Besides sleep, Brain Supplements is also important‼ ️ HIGH-TEN✅✅✅ 🔆Japan's No.1 brain supplement 🔆 A new generation of sports supplements 🔆The first caffeine-free refreshment supplement 🔆Caffeine-free, suitable for all age, including children and the elderly 🔆10 all-natural ingredients sports jelly 🔆Recommended by The Brain Science Foundation to be the most effective brain supplement 🔆Reaction time increases by 16% 🆙 🔆No side effects that other energy drinks may have, such as: Headache, palpitations, reactive hypoglycemia 🔆No Intake Limits. No risk of overdosing. 🔆Unique design. Easy to carry around. 🔆Let’s Say No to the impossible‼️ Coffee? ❌ Energy Drinks? ❌ Comparison with other brain supplements: 🥲Many brain supplements in the market are aimed at maintaining cognitive function and memory, and most of them targeted at middle-ages and elderly people. 👍🏻High-Ten contains 10 natural ingredients. It is caffeine-free and is suitable for all age‼️ The production of dopamine stimulates brain functions and enhance concentration and performance. Suitable for: ✔️Workers ✔️Adolescents and students whose brains are developing ✔️Sports lovers ✔️High stress people Main ingredients: 1️⃣【Mucuna Extract】 Mucuna beans contain a natural ingredient called levodopa (“L-dopa”). L-dopa is metabolised in the brain to produce "dopamine", which is an extremely important neurotransmitter in the brain, also known as "happy substance" 🤗. 🔸Improve concentration 🔸Increase motivation 🔸Support nerve vitality 🔸Increase sharpness 🔸Improve mood 🔸Increase happiness ✨"Dopamine" also helps to improve athletes' muscle strength and concentration during exercise💪🏻 2️⃣【Mango Leaf Extract】 Clinically proven that Zynamite can improve: 🔸Attention accuracy 🔸Episodic memory 🔸Work accuracy & efficiency 🔸Computing power 🔸Reaction time 🔸Mental energy, such as anti-fatigue and anti-stress 🔸Sports performance, including increase muscle power output 🔸No abnormal heart rate or blood pressure 🔸No anxiety or side effects ✨Mango leaf can stimulate the central nerves system (CNS) in the brain to strengthen the transmission. The effect is like caffeine, without the side effects of caffeine, such as insomnia, palpitations, muscle twitching, diuretic dehydration and other problems. Other brain-enhancing ingredients: 3️⃣【Lemon Balm】increase memory 4️⃣【Rose Rhodiola】recover from fatigue 5️⃣【Pepper Extract】improve cell vitality 6️⃣【Postbiotics】improve intestinal health 7️⃣【Brown sugar】provide the essential glucose for the brain 8️⃣【SoyBean aGPC】enhance cognitive ability 9️⃣【Oatmeal】help release energy 🔟【Coconut Shell Activated Carbon】absorb intestinal toxins Effects: ✅Enhance brain functions comprehensively ✅Enhance dopamine secretion ✅Reduction of reaction time ✅Improve memory and arithmetic ability HIGH-TEN New Generation of Brain Supplements 🔹1-3 sachets per day, depending on brain fatigue/activity needs 🔹Use 30 minutes to 1 hour before exercising, studying, coping with stress 🔹After taking it, people have a clearer mind Q&A: Q1. Are there any side effects of HIGH-TEN? A1. HIGH-TEN is made out of pure natural ingredients and will not cause side effects or dependence, so there is no limit on intake. Q2. When is the best time to take High-Ten? Will use at night affect sleep? A2. It is recommended to take it 30 minutes to 1 hour before the performance, such as exercise and study. Consume 4 hours before sleep may activate central nervous system and affect rest. Q3. How long is the effect of High-Ten? A3. The effect will last for about 4 hours after ingestion. Q4. Can it be taken together with other caffeinated energy drinks? A4. Yes. Q5. Who is not suitable for using HIGH-TEN? A5. People who are sensitive to soy and its products should not use it.

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