新加坡 福華補品 好姑娘 22+營養好谷糧全穀物飲 (有機牛油果味🥑)750g GoodLady 22+ Complete Nutrimix (Organic Avocado) 750g




新加坡 福華補品 好姑娘 22+營養好谷糧全穀物飲 (有機牛油果味🥑)750g GoodLady 22+ Complete Nutrimix (Organic Avocado) 750g 🔹22+ 營養好谷糧選用多過22種有機天然好原料,其中包括12種優質穀類,7種豆類,8種種子和4種特別成分(包括有機牛油果,水溶性纖維,燕麥麩和卵磷脂)等。 🔹22+營養好谷糧堅特採 用果糖來取代白糖,並加入有機牛油果,糖分比其他谷糧飲料低25%,適合糖尿病患者服用。 🔹22+營養好谷糧不只味道好,而且營養十足,是適合男女老少的健康飲品。 Good Lady 22+ Complete Nutrimix complements our daily nutrient needs, with more than 22 kinds of organic premium included 12 types of grains, 7 types of dehulled beans, 8 types of seeds and 4 types of special ingredients that are premixed into this healthier whole grains beverage. Good Lady 22+ Complete Nutrimix only uses Fructose as sweetener and added with ORGANIC AVOCADO, it is 25% lower in sugar as compared to regular cereal mix thus suitable for diabetic patients. KEY HIGHLIGHT重要特點: -NO PRESERVATIVES 不含防腐劑 -NO ARTIFICIAL COLOURING不含色素 -NON REFINED SUGAR ADDED不含精制糖 -NON GMO非基因改造 -TRANS FAT FREE無反式脂肪 -NATURALLY CHOLESTEROL FREE無膽固醇 -LACTOSE FREE 不含乳糖 -VEGAN全素 Tips提示: To determine a safe product to consumer ** Check out their certification! 消費者該如何確保產品的安全? **檢查產品的認證! Good Lady 22+ Complete Nutrimix is certified with the following: 好姑娘 22+營養好谷糧 已通過以下認證: -Healthier Choice Certified 較健康選擇認證 -Food MP Certified 食品 GMP 認證 -HACCP Certified (Quality Management) HACCP 認證(質量管理) -ISO 9001-2015 Certified (ISO 9001 - 2015 認證) -ISO 22000 - 2005 Certified (ISO 22000 - 2005認證) Steps衝泡步驟: 1) Add hot water (200ML) 加熱水 (200ML) 2) Add in two scoops (25G). 加入兩勺 (25G) 3) Stir and Serve. 攪拌均勻即可享用。 Storage儲存方法: Store in cool and dry place.請保存於陰涼乾燥處。 Product of Malaysia 馬來西亞產品 Weight: 750g

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