Food Art 食之藝【七喝湯】7種口味絕佳的獨特調配

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Food Art 食之藝【七喝湯】 養生湯飲系列是食之藝最新系列的免煮湯飲,是專為喜歡喝湯,而又生活忙碌的你所打造的素食滋味靚湯。無需烹煮,僅需30秒的准備功夫就可讓怕麻煩的你,輕鬆寫意的每天品嘗七味好湯,感受品味人生的樂趣。 7種口味絕佳的獨特調配,勢必為你帶來喝湯全新的時尚體驗。每包雙湯袋的濃郁份量,附加了可咀嚼的精選的食材,簡單方便之余,更保留湯飲的天然原味。 1️⃣壹補氣 此湯味道甘香清甜,更附加了素魚翅和蟲草花以增添口感。 (內含西洋參,鷹嘴豆等。 主滋陰養血, 可增強體力) 功效: ✅升陽補氣 ✅滋陰養血 ✅氣血同補 2️⃣貳甯神 此湯內附加的泡參頭和百合片,令味道更甘醇清香。(內含泡參及卷茯苓, 主安定心神及助眠) 功效: ✅定心安神 ✅補氣養陰 ✅清火生津 3️⃣三養肝 此湯味道香醇可口,亦可細細咀嚼牛蒡和淮山的清香。(內含牛蒡及蟲草花, 主補肝益腎及抗氧排毒) 功效: ✅補肝益腎 ✅行血安神 ✅抗氧排毒 4️⃣肆健脾 此湯附加桂圓和發菜,令味道清香醇厚,(內含蟲草花及黨參, 主健脾暖腎及溫中散寒) 功效: ✅健脾暖腎 ✅溫中散寒 ✅消炎利尿 5️⃣伍紅潤 此湯附加蟲草花,味道香甜令人回味。(內含全歸及熟地, 主溫補氣血, 增強免疫) 功效: ✅溫補氣血 ✅增強免疫 ✅強身體力 6️⃣陸壯骨 此湯附加了精選姬松茸及黑棗以增添口感,更入口香醇。(內含牛膝及女貞子, 主壯骨補膝及強壯脛骨) 功效: ✅壯骨補膝 ✅增強脛骨 ✅補肝健腎 7️⃣柒活力 此湯附加了人參須和紅棗,味道更濃郁甘香。(內含特級人參,主提升活力及大補元氣) 功效: ✅提高活力 ✅健脾益肺 ✅大補元氣 特點: 👍🏻簡單免煮 👍🏻天然原味 👍🏻無添加糖 👍🏻無硫磺 👍🏻無味精 👍🏻無人造調味和色素 👍🏻素食適用 飲食建議: ❌不適宜病者及孕婦❌ ✔️適合每天喝一袋 ✔️適合12歲以上的使用 🔸每天一杯滋補養生湯,七種口味,七種享受, 七種體驗, 七種情懷。讓每一杯湯驅動你一天的活力! 🔸就是這一次,獻給想在繁忙的生活裏,輕松簡單都可以細細品味人生,讓你一整天心裏裝的是滿滿的歡喜和感動。 🔸想喝湯,去喝湯,我的生活,我的湯❣️ 【Seven 2 Me】 With the new concept of no-cook, simplicity & convenience, Food Art is introducing a series of natural and delicious 【Seven 2 Me】 tonic vegetarian soup, enabling you to enjoy good health even when you are busy. With a unique blend of 7 flavours, it brings you a stylish soup experience. No-cook; Easy & Convenient; Preserving the original taste of soup; Specially selected ingredients & Unique formulation. Giving you a chance to enjoy soups in your busy life. 1️⃣ ENERQI SOUP This soup is supplemented by Vegetarian Shark Fin and Cordyceps Flower to enhance its sweet taste. Replenishing the Qi Nourishing the Yin and Blood 2️⃣TRANQUILME SOUP This soup’s sweet and mellow taste is flavoured with the American Ginseng Panax Head and Lily slices. Clearing Body Heat to Calming the Mind Invigorating the Qi & Nourishing the Yin 3️⃣LIVERYOUNG SOUP This delicious soup gives you the fresh taste of Burdock and Chinese Yam. Anti-Oxidizing Detoxification Nourishing the Liver & Kidney 4️⃣SPLEENDYNAMI SOUP This soup’s rich and mellow taste is flavoured with dried logans and fat choy. Nourishing the Spleen and Kidney Dispersing Cold and Warming the Body 5️⃣TONICFINE SOUP This soup is flavoured with Cordyceps Flowers for a sweet aftertaste. Tonifying the Qi and Blood Boosting the Immune System 6️⃣EASYBONE SOUP This soup is supplemented with a selection of Premium Agaricus Blazei and Black Dates to enhance the taste. Strengthen Bones, Joint and Tibia Nourishing the Liver and Kidney 7️⃣ VITALITI SOUP This soup’s rich and mellow taste is flavoured with the Premium Ginseng Beard and Yu Zhu. Improve Vitality Invigorating Spleen and Moistening Lung FEATURES: 👍🏻Convenient & no-cook 👍🏻100% Natural 👍🏻No Added Sugar 👍🏻Sulfur-Free Ingredients 👍🏻No MSG 👍🏻No Artificial Flavouring 👍🏻No Artificial Colouring 👍🏻Suitable for Vegetarian RECOMMENDED: ✅Suitable to consume 1 soup bag a day ❌Avoid during sickness and pregnancy❌ ✅Suitable for age 12 and above 🔸 7 flavours along with 7 taste sensations. Bringing you warmth and happiness every day. Enjoying the soups that will fuel your day. 🔸 This is the moment we dedicate our time to savouring the taste of life. Making your day by filling you with joy and gratitude. 🔸 Seven2me, My soup, My life❣️

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