食之藝 八珍姐【 Food Art Soupermum BAZHENJIE 】補血養顏、強腰壯骨、調經止痛、潤腸通便





食之藝 八珍姐【 Food Art Soupermum BAZHENJIE 】 女性之寶、月事不惱 🎥影片: https://youtu.be/EbD2uz2PBsw https://youtu.be/3KYa6Savk68 https://youtu.be/8TFB8OZXroE 榮獲新加坡「值得信賴優質品牌大獎」🏆 ✅ 食之藝免煮湯包已通過SGS 7+1營養標籤、殘餘農藥、重金屬、微生物等等的測試,安全可靠✅ 🔆 JustKidding 是Food Art食之藝授權香港總代理🔆 WhatsApp/pm我們: https://bit.ly/2T8VRPC (852)90222-319 很多女性都會有或多或少的貧血現象,尤其是女性每月還有特殊的那幾天,而貧血是指血液中缺少紅細胞或紅細胞的主要成分血紅蛋白。女性氣血不足就更明顯的,疲乏無力、氣短懶言,面色淡白,頭暈目眩,唇色淡,心悸失眠。 【速寶媽之八珍姐】湯集合了八種以上對身體,尤其對女性非常滋補的成份,在月事過後持續飲用會讓月經來的更順,減少身體上的不舒服,臉色紅潤,皮膚更有光澤及精神有活力。 功效: 1️⃣補血養顏 - 湯方內的川芎和當歸有補血、行血的 功效,熟地和白芍則以補血養血為主。常飲臉色紅潤,神采奕奕 2️⃣強腰壯骨 - 此配方有加入杜仲:杜仲有補腎、壯筋骨之良效,清補益氣,增強體質。性質較溫和,不用憂慮和其他藥方相違 3️⃣潤腸通便 4️⃣調經止痛 材料: 黑棗、熟地、白芍、炙甘草、黨參*、純素調味、枸杞、杜仲、茯苓*、當歸*、白術和川芎。 - 當歸: 補血調經,止痛安神。 - 黨參: 補益氣血,增強免疫。 - 茯苓: 利水消腫,增強免疫。 飲食建議: ✅適合已有月經的女性飲用 ✅女性進補最佳的時刻是經期後的一週內連續6日飲用,飲用八珍姐能有助於內分泌的調理。 ✅更年期的女性,每個月喝幾服作為保養,增強體質、補養氣血,還能延緩衰老。 ✅男人都可以飲「八珍姐」,臉色發黃、頭髮枯黃、容易疲勞、手腳冰涼、貧血、更年期、病後虛弱這一類問題都可以用「八珍姐」來調理。 ❌不宜飲用經期、生病感冒中、高血壓、孕婦 ❌特殊狀況者、癌症、等請先諮詢醫生後再飲用 特點: 👍🏻簡單免煮 👍🏻天然原味 👍🏻無添加糖 👍🏻無硫磺 👍🏻無味精 👍🏻無人造色素 👍🏻味道甘甜 淨重: 🅰️細包裝:17g x 6包小湯包 🅱️珍寶裝:17g x 26包小湯包 使用方法: 將免煮即飲速寶媽放入保溫瓶, 加入250-300毫升的沸水, 靜待1-2小時。搖勻, 趁熱飲用。 儲存方式: 新鮮包裝, 食材是無硫磺,所以需冷藏保存。 産品保質期: 請參閱包裝背面以了解確切的有效期。 溫馨提示: 速寶媽是以全天然的食材配制,新鮮包裝。其中某些材料如蜜棗、桂圓、紅棗、枸杞、黑棗、熟地、海竹等偶爾會因為水分含量較高 ,而導致湯袋少許潮濕。 這都是正常的現象。請安心飲用。 **聲明:效果因人而異。 常見問題 Q1. 可以調理什麼? A1. 像臉色發黃、頭髮枯黃、容易疲勞、手腳冰涼、月經不調、貧血、更年期、病後及孕後虛弱這一類問題都可以用它來調理。 Q2. 可以連續喝嗎? A2. 八珍姐這個配方是溫和不燥的,所以可以連續喝6天。也不會覺得熱。 Q3. 什麼時間喝最合適呢? A3. 你可以在睡前一小時喝,下午喝都可以。當然這個跟個人體質有關係,你可以先試一次在晚上喝,如果覺得不適合的話,那再調整一下飲用的時間。 Q4. 更年期的女性可以喝嗎? A4. 更年期的女性,其實可以常喝哦。每個月喝上幾服作為保養,不但可以增強體質、補養氣血,還能延緩衰老。女人經期過後喝上四五天,就能把內分泌調理得很正常。防止衰老,不喝老的更快。 Q5. 備孕時能喝嗎? A5. 備孕時能在經期後的6天內喝八珍姐。不過懷孕時就要停咯。 其實月經後的第五天至第八天是行房懷孕最好,也是機會最高的時間點。 Q6:請問男人都可以飲「八珍姐」嗎? A6:當然可以,臉色發黃、頭髮枯黃、容易疲勞、手腳冰涼、貧血、更年期、病後虛弱這一類問題都可以用「八珍姐」來調理。 Q7: 餵人奶可飲八珍姐湯嗎? A8: 可以的 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 📍 JustKidding WhatsApp Group限定優惠 & 限定快閃產品!加入WhatsApp Group後,落單仲會送特別禮品 (記得在落單時出示證明啊)! 快啲入WhatsApp Group領取更多著數優惠啦😍 https://chat.whatsapp.com/B9ZreGaaQ0S7rNpHJvyNM6 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 【SOUPERMUM BAZHENJIE 】 Many women are having anemia, especially during the special days of every month. Anemia refers to the lack of red blood cells or hemoglobins, the main component of red blood cells. The deficiency of Qi and blood in women body often leads to fatigue, shortness of breath, pale face, dizziness and insomnia. SOUPERMUM BAZHENJIE Rich in more than 8 ingredients that are beneficial to the body, especially for women. Regular drinking after menstruation helps regulate the menstrual flow, reduce physical discomfort, lighten the skin and boost energy! FEATURES 👍🏻Convenient & no-cook 👍🏻100% Natural 👍🏻No Added Sugar 👍🏻Sulfur-Free Ingredients 👍🏻No MSG 👍🏻No Artificial Flavouring 👍🏻No Artificial Colouring 👍🏻Suitable for Vegetarian 👍🏻Sweet taste EFFECTS ✅Nourishing Skin and Blood: The soup contains Ligusticum Wallichii, Angelica, Rehmannia, and white peony which have the effect of nourishing the blood and skin. ✅Stronger bones: Eucommia Bark has the effect of nourishing the kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and enhancing physical fitness. ✅Adjust menstruation and relieve bowel pain RECOMMENDED ❌Not Suitable for pregnant women, the sick and during menstruation.❌ 🔹Best time to consume is after menses, can drink for 6 days continuously. 🔹Age: Ladies who started menstruation are suitable to drink Ingredients: Black Date, Rehmannia, White Peony, Licorice, Codonopsis, Goji, Eucommia Bark, Poria Cocos, Angelica, White Atractylodes Rhizomes, Ligusticum Wallichii, Himalayan Rock Salt and Natural Seasoning. Net weight: Small Pack:17g x 6 bags / Jumbo Pack: 17g x 26 bags How to Use: Put one bag into thermos. Add in 250-300ml boiling water and wait for 1-2 hours. Shake well and serve hot. **We recommend to use FOOD ART® 316 Stainless Steel Thermos. This ensure that the essence of the ingredients can be blend into the soup well. So that you can drink the most natural and tastier of Soupermum and Souperkid Soup. Storage Instruction: Freshly packed with sulfur-free ingredients. Please keep refrigerated. Product Shelf Life: Please refer to the back of the packaging for the exact expiry date. Reminder: SOUPERMUM is made of all-natural ingredients and freshly packaged, such as fresh candied dates, dried longan, red dates, goji, black dates, rehmannia. The soup bag would get slightly damp occasionally due to its high moisture content. It’s normal and please consume at ease. **Disclaimer: Individual result may vary. Q&A: Q1. What problems can it treat? A1. It can be used to treat problems such as yellow complexion, dry and yellow hair, easy fatigue, cold hands and feet, irregular menstruation, anemia, menopause, post-illness and post-pregnancy weakness. Q2. Can I drink it continuously? A2. BAZHENJIE's formula is mild and not dry, so you can drink it for 6 days in a row. It doesn't feel hot either. Q3. When is the best time to drink it? A3. You can drink it an hour before bed or in the afternoon. Of course, this has something to do with your physique. You can try drinking it at night first. If you think it is not suitable, then adjust the drinking time. Q4. Can menopausal women drink it? A4. Menopausal women can actually drink it often. Drinking a few servings every month as maintenance can not only enhance physical fitness, nourish qi and blood, but also delay aging. Women who drink for four or five days after menstruation can regulate their endocrine system to a normal level. Q5. Can I drink it during pregnancy? A5. When trying to conceive, you can drink BAZHENJIE within 6 days after menstruation. But stop when you are pregnant. In fact, the fifth day to the eighth day after menstruation is the best time to have intercourse and get pregnant, and it is also the time point with the highest chance. Q6: Can men drink BAZHENJIE? A6: Of course, problems such as yellow complexion, dry and yellow hair, easy fatigue, cold hands and feet, anemia and post-illness weakness can all be treated with BAZHENJIE. ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⭐️JustKidding (English) WhatsApp Group has Limited Offer & Limited Flash Product! ⭐️ After joining the WhatsApp Group, you will receive a special gift when you place an order (remember to show proof when placing an order)❣️ Join our WhatsApp Group to get more discounts now❣️ https://chat.whatsapp.com/G8F7d5UjxKT567NuJk2XlG ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
